ServiceX Helm Chart Reference

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the ServiceX chart and their default values. Note that you may also wish to change some of the default parameters for the rabbitMQ or minio subcharts.

Parameter Description Default
secrets Name of a secret deployed into the cluster. Must follow example_secrets.yaml -
logging.logstash.enabled Enable remote logging true Host running logstash listening for log data
logging.logstash.port Port to send logging to 5959
logging.logstash.protocol Protocol to be used (options are TCP and UDP) TCP
logging.logstash.monitor Link to be shown inside Monitor web page iframe UC Kibana dashboard
logging.logstash.logs Link to be shown inside Logs web page iframe UC Kibana dashboard
app.image ServiceX_App image name sslhep/servicex_app
app.tag ServiceX image tag latest
app.logLevel Logging level for ServiceX web app (uses standard unix levels) WARNING
app.pullPolicy ServiceX image pull policy Always
app.checksImage ServiceX init container image for checks ncsa/checks:latest
app.rabbitmq.retries Number of times to retry connecting to RabbitMQ on startup 12
app.rabbitmq.retry_interval Number of seconds to wait between RabbitMQ retries on startup 10
app.replicas Number of App pods to start. Experimental! 1
app.auth Enable authentication or allow unfettered access (Python boolean string) false
app.globusClientID Globus application Client ID -
app.globusClientSecret Globus application Client Secret -
app.adminEmail Email address for initial admin user
app.tokenExpires Seconds until the ServiceX API tokens (JWT refresh tokens) expire False (never)
app.authExpires Seconds until the JWT access tokens expire 21600 (six hours)
app.ingress.enabled Enable install of ingress false
app.ingress.class Class to be set in annotation nginx Hostname to associate ingress with
app.ingress.defaultBackend Name of a service to send requests to internal endpoints to default-http-backend
app.ingress.tls.enabled Enable TLS for ServiceX API Ingress resource false
app.ingress.tls.secretName Name of TLS Secret used for ServiceX API server {{.Release.Name}}-app-tls
app.ingress.tls.clusterIssuer Specify a ClusterIssuer if using cert-manager -
app.resources Pass in Kubernetes pod resource spec to deployment to change CPU and memory { }
app.slackSigningSecret Signing secret for Slack application -
app.newSignupWebhook Slack webhook URL for new signups -
app.mailgunApiKey API key to send Mailgun emails to newly approved users -
app.mailgunDomain Sender domain for emails (should be verified through Mailgun) -
app.defaultDIDFinderScheme DID Finder scheme if none provided in request. If left blank, template will attempt to guess. -
app.validateTransformerImage Should docker image name be validated at DockerHub? true
app.defaultUsers Name of secret holding json file with default users to create on deployment -
didFinder.rucio.enabled Should we deploy the Rucio DID Finder? true
didFinder.rucio.image Rucio DID Finder image name sslhep/servicex-did-finder
didFinder.rucio.tag Rucio DID Finder image tag latest
didFinder.rucio.pullPolicy Rucio DID Finder image pull policy Always
didFinder.rucio.servicex_latitude Latitude of the computing center where ServiceX runs. Will be used by Rucio to return the closest input data replica. 41.78
didFinder.rucio.servicex_longitude Longitude of the computing center where ServiceX runs. Will be used by Rucio to return the closest input data replica. -87.7
didFinder.rucio.reportLogicalFiles For CMS xCache sites, we don't want the replicas, only logical names. Set to true to get this behavior false
didFinder.rucio.rucio_host URL for Rucio service to use
didFinder.rucio.auth _host URL to obtain Rucio authentication

| didFinder.CERNOpenData.enabled | Should we deploy the CERN OpenData DID Finder? true | | didFinder.CERNOpenData.image | CERN OpenData DID Finder image name | sslhep/servicex-did-finder | | didFinder.CERNOpenData.tag | CERN OpenData DID Finder image tag | latest | | didFinder.CERNOpenData.pullPolicy | CERN OpenData DID Finder image pull policy | Always | | codegen.atlasxaod.enabled | Deploy the ATLAS xAOD Code generator? | true | | codegen.atlasxaod.image | Code generator image | sslhep/servicex_code_gen_func_adl_xaod | | codegen.atlasxaod.pullPolicy | | true | | codegen.atlasxaod.tag | Code generator image tag | develop | | codegen.atlasxaod.defaultScienceContainerImage | The transformer image that should be run against this generated code | sslhep/servicex_func_adl_xaod_transformer | | codegen.atlasxaod.defaultScienceContainerTag | Tag for the transformer image that should be run against this generated code | develop | |codegen.uproot.enabled | Deploy the uproot code generator? - also all of the code gen settings, above are available | true | |codegen.cms.enabled | Deploy the CMS AOD code generator? - also all of the code gen settings, above are available | true | |codegen.python.enabled | Deploy the python uproot code generator? - also all of the code gen settings, above are available | true | | x509Secrets.image | X509 Secret Service image name | sslhep/x509-secrets | | x509Secrets.tag | X509 Secret Service image tag | latest | | x509Secrets.pullPolicy | X509 Secret Service image pull policy | Always | | x509Secrets.vomsOrg | Which VOMS org to contact for proxy? | atlas | | x509Secrets.initImage | X509 Secret Service init container image | alpine:3.6 | | rbacEnabled | Specify if rbac is enabled in your cluster | true | | hostMount | Optional path to mount in transformers as /data | - | | gridAccount | CERN User account name to access Rucio | - | | noCerts | Set to true to disable x509 certs and only use open data | false | | rabbitmq.password | Override the generated RabbitMQ password | leftfoot1 | | objectstore.enabled | Deploy a minio object store with Servicex? | true | | objectstore.internal | Deploy a captive minio instance with this chart? | true | | objectstore.publicURL | What URL should the client use to download files? If set, this is given whether ingress is enabled or not | nil | | postgres.enabled | Deploy a postgres database into cluster? If not, we use a sqllite db | false | | minio.auth.rootUser | Username to log into minio | miniouser | | minio.auth.rootPassword | Password key to log into minio | leftfoot1 | | minio.apiIngress.enabled | Should minio chart deploy an ingress to the service? | false | | minio.apiIngress.hostname | Hostname associate with ingress controller | nil | | transformer.cachePrefix | Prefix string to stick in front of file paths. Useful for XCache | | | transformer.autoscaler.enabled | Enable/disable horizontal pod autoscaler for transformers | True | | transformer.autoscaler.cpuScaleThreshold | CPU percentage threshold for pod scaling | 30 | | transformer.autoscaler.minReplicas | Minimum number of transformer pods per request | 1 | | transformer.autoscaler.maxReplicas | Maximum number of transformer pods per request | 20 | | transformer.pullPolicy | Pull policy for transformer pods (Image name specified in REST Request) | Always | | transformer.priorityClassName | priorityClassName for transformer pods (Not setting it means getting global default) | Not Set | | transformer.cpuLimit | Set CPU resource limit for pod in number of cores | 1 | | transformer.sidecarImage | Image name for the transformer sidecar container that hold the serviceX code | 'sslhep/servicex_sidecar_transformer' | | transformer.sidecarTag | Tag for the sidecar container | 'develop' | | transformer.sidecarPullPolicy | Pull Policy for the sidecar container | 'Always' | | transformer.persistence.existingClaim | Existing persistent volume claim | nil | | transformer.subdir | Subdirectory of the mount to write transformer results to (should end with trailing /) | nil | | minioCleanup.enabled | Enable deployment of minio cleanup service | false | | minioCleanup.image | Default image for minioCleanup cronjob | sslhep/servicex_minio_cleanup | | minioCleanup.tag | minioCleanup image tag | | | minioCleanup.pullPolicy | minioCleanup image pull policy | Always | | minioCleanup.threads | Number of threads to use when processing S3 Storage | 6 | | minioCleanup.logLevel | Log level to use for logging (e.g. DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL) | INFO | | minioCleanup.schedule | Schedule for minioCleanup cronjob. See reference for details on fields | * */8 * * * (every 8 hours) | | minioCleanup.maxAge | Max age in days before removing results | 30 | | minioCleanup.maxSize | Start removing buckets when total space used reaches this number (can use G,M, T suffixes) | '1G' | | minioCleanup.normSize | Size at which to stop removing buckets | '700M' | |
