The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) faces enormous computational challenges in the 2020s. The HL-LHC will produce exabytes of data each year, with increasingly complex event structure due to high pileup conditions. The ATLAS and CMS experiments will record ~ 10 times as much data from ~ 100 times as many collisions as were used to discover the Higgs boson.
Columnar data delivery
ServiceX seeks to enable on-demand data delivery of columnar data in a variety of formats for physics analyses. It provides a uniform backend to data storage services, ensuring the user doesn't have to know how or where the data is stored, and is capable of on-the-fly data transformations into a variety of formats (ROOT files, Arrow arrays, Parquet files, ...) The service offers preprocessing functionality via an analysis description language called func-adl that allows users to filter events, request columns, and even compute new variables. This enables the user to start from any format and extract only the data needed for an analysis.
ServiceX is designed to feed columns to a user running an analysis (e.g. via Awkward or Coffea tools) based on the results of a query designed by the user.