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ServiceX Contributor Guide

Welcome to the ServiceX contributor guide, and thank you for your interest in contributing to the project!


ServiceX uses a microservice architecture, and is designed to be hosted on a Kubernetes cluster. The ServiceX project uses a polyrepo strategy for source code management: the source code for each microservice is located in a dedicated repo.

Below is a partial list of these repositories:

  • ServiceX - Main repository, contains Helm charts for deployment to Kubernetes
  • ServiceX_frontend - The ServiceX Python library, which enables users to send requests to ServiceX. Currently, this is the only ServiceX frontend client.
  • ServiceX_App - The ServiceX API Server, written in Flask.

Additional repositories related to the project can be found in the ssl-hep GitHub organization.

Please read our architecture document for more details.

Branching Strategy

ServiceX uses a slightly modified GitLab flow. Each repository has a main branch, usually named develop (or master for the Python frontend). All changes should be made on feature branches and submitted as PRs to the main branch. Releases are frozen on dedicated release branches, e.g. v1.0.0-RC.2.

Development Workflow

  1. Set up a local development environment:
    • Decide which microservice (or Helm chart) you'd like to change, and locate the corresponding repository.
    • If you are a not a member of the ssl-hep GitHub organization, fork the repository.
    • Clone the (forked) repository to your local machine: git clone<GitHub username>/ServiceX_App.git
    • If you created a fork, add the upstream repository as remote: git remote add upstream
    • Set up a new environment via conda or virtualenv.
    • Install dependencies, including test dependencies: python3 -m pip install -e .[test]
    • If the root directory contains a file named .pre-commit-config.yaml, you can install the pre-commit hooks with: pip install pre-commit pre-commit install
  2. Develop your contribution:
    • Pull latest changes from upstream: git checkout develop git pull upstream develop
    • Create a branch for the feature you want to work on: git checkout -b fix-issue-99
    • Commit locally as you progress with git add and git commit.
  3. Test your changes:
    • Run the full test suite with python -m pytest, or target specific test files with python -m pytest tests/path/to/
    • Please write new unit tests to cover any changes you make.
    • You can also manually test microservice changes against a full ServiceX deployment by building the Docker image, pushing it to DockerHub, and setting the image and tag values as follows: yaml app: image: <organization>/<image repository> tag: my-feature-branch
    • For more details, please read our full deployment guide.
  4. Submit a pull request to the upstream repository.


Please submit issues for bugs and feature requests to the main ServiceX repository, unless the issue is specific to a single microservice.

We manage project priorities with a ZenHub board.

Join us on Slack

We coordinate our efforts on the IRIS-HEP Slack. Come join this intellectual hub!

Running the Full ServiceX Chart Locally

You can run ServiceX on your laptop using docker or another similar tool that supports kubernetes.


  1. docker is installed and kubernetes is running (see configuration options).
  2. Make sure kubectl and helm are both installed in the shell you'll be doing your development work.
  3. Follow instructions in the deployment guide to install your x509 certificate if you are going to be using any rucio or GRID services for your testing.

Running the chart

  1. In the Servicex/helm directory run helm dependency update servicex/
  2. And install the chart with helm install -f values.yaml servicex-testing .\servicex\
  3. As in the deployment guide, you can now port-forward your servicex app and minio.

How you write your values.yaml will depend a lot on what you are testing. Here is an example of a minimal one that will load up the develop tag for all the container images, and expects an ATLAS GRID cert:

  enabled: true
  publicURL: localhost:9000

gridAccount: <your-user>

  # For ATLAS
  vomsOrg: atlas

    host: localhost:5000

  cachePrefix: '""'

Making Changes

The best way to work on ServiceX is using the unit tests. That isn't always possible, of course. When it isn't your development cycle will require you to build any changed containers. A possible workflow is:

  1. Redeploy the helm chart (or perhaps use upgrade rather than install in the helm command) and add pullPolicy: Never to the appropriate app section. For example, add it under app: in the example file above if you are working on servicex_app.
  2. Change your code (say, in servicex_app).
  3. In the directory for the app should be a Dockerfile. Do the build, and pay attention to the tag. For example, docker build -t sslhep/servicex_app:develop ..
  4. Finally restart the pod, which should cause it to pick up the new build. This might kill a port-forward you have in place, so don't forget to restart that!

Debugging Tips

Microservice architectures can be difficult to test and debug. Here are some helpful hints to make this easier.

  1. Instead of relying on the DID Finder to locate some particular datafile, you can mount one of your local directories into the transformer pod and then instruct the DID Finder to always offer up the path to that file regardless of the submitted DID. You can use the hostMount value to have a local directory mounted into each transformer pod under /data. You can use the didFinder.staticFile value to instruct DID Finder to offer up a file from that directory.
  2. You can use port-forwarding to expose port 15672 from the RabbitMQ pod to your laptop and log into the Rabbit admin console using the username: user and password leftfoot1. From here you can monitor the queues, purge old messages and inject your own messages

Notes for Maintainers


If a critical bugfix or hotfix must be applied to a previous release, it should be merged to the main branch and then applied to each affected release branch using git cherry-pick <merge commit hash> -m 1. Merge commits have 2 parents, so the -m 1 flag is used to specify that the first parent (i.e. previous commit on the main branch) should be used