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User Management

ServiceX can optionally require logins and authenticate users. This is enabled with app.auth set to true.

You will need to set app.adminEmail to the email address for the bootstrapped admin user. All other users can be added by: * With the flask CLI, using the flask user create command * From a json secret file mounted in the cluster, identified through the app.defaultUsers setting * The user connects to the dashboard and successfully goes through an OAuth flow. These users may optionally wait in a pending state for approval via a Slack workflow.

Here are each of the mechanisms in more detail:

Using the Flask CLI

This CLI is currently only available inside a running ServiceX App pod. An administrator needs to create a shell in the pod. They can create a single user with this command:


Where SUB is the OAuth provider's sub field (for GlobusAuth this is the user's GlobusAuth ID).

EMAIL, and NAME are self explanitory.

ORGANIZATION is the user's home institution (Such as "University of Illinois", or "CERN").

If this user has been previously created and a valid refresh token is known for them this can be optionally added as the last argument.

Now when a user logs in with this sub the first time, they will immediately be granted access to the system without being marked as pending. If the refresh token is provided, the user can submit transform requests with that token without having to log into the dashboard at all.

Loading Default Users Using JSON File

For integration tests, we often redeploy and erase the database. This means that it is not possible to have long-standing integration tests against these instances. We can get around this by publishing a JSON file containing initial default users as a secret in the cluster. The app will read this secret upon startup and automatically load them into the datbase.

This file must be named users.json and the format should be:

    "email": "",
    "institution": "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign",
    "name": "Larry S. Ervicex",
    "refresh_token": "This-is-not-really-a-token-SJcGAE",
    "sub": "123-456-7890"

You install this secret in the cluster with

% kubectl create secret generic users --from-file=users.json

Users Creating Accounts by Logging into Dashboard

Users can just visit the deployment's dashboard and log in with the OAuth flow. If they have been created in the database using any of the above methods, their account will immediatly be approved. If not, the account will be set to pending and they will need to be approved with the slack integration.